Upcoming Wine Trade Shows
By llumadmin 6 November 2018
The Domaine Belle will attend several trade shows at the end of the year and beginning of year 2019, in France and Germany.
Save the following dates:
When: 28-29-30 january 2019
Where: Montpellier
For more information: https://www.millesime-bio.com
- Vinisud
When: 11-12-13 february 2019
Where: Paris
For more information: https://www.vinisud.com
- Prowein
When: 17-18-19 march 2019
Where: Dusseldorf – Allemagne
For more information: https://www.prowein.com/

- Salon des vignerons indépendants de Lyon
When: 25-26-27-28-29 october 2018
Booth: F21 - Salon des vignerons indépendants de Lille
When: 16-17-18-19 november 2018
Booth: D43 - Salon des vignerons indépendants de Paris
When: 29-30 november and 01-02 december 2018
Booth: G79 - Salon des vignerons indépendants de Rennes
When: 25-26-27 january 2019
For more information: https://www.vigneron-independant.com/
Categories: News from the Domaine